Dental Bridges

Gentle Care

Houston Dental Bridges

Accepting New Patience | Most Insurance Accepted

We provide gentle and compassionate care in a friendly environment. We always focus on evidence based diagnosis, patient education, and working with you to build a treatment plan that aligns with your oral health goals.

or call (713) 987-7721

Gentle Care

Houston Dental Bridges

Accepting New Patience | Most Insurance Accepted

We provide gentle and compassionate care in a friendly environment. We always focus on evidence based diagnosis, patient education, and working with you to build a treatment plan that aligns with your oral health goals.

or call (713) 987-7721


Losing a tooth can be incredibly devastating. It affects your oral health and impacts your self-confidence. Luckily, dental bridges offer an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth. They are a life-changing and incredibly transformative treatment.

Houston Dental Bridge: The Options

Dental bridges come in various types, tailored to suit your specific needs:

  • Traditional Houston Dental Bridges: These bridges consist of artificial teeth (pontics) held by dental crowns on either side. They are ideal for patients with naturally healthy teeth adjacent to the gap.
  • Cantilever Bridges: Similar to traditional Houston bridges, cantilever bridges use one natural tooth rather than two for support.
  • Maryland Bonded Bridges: These conservative alternatives feature metal or porcelain framework bonded to the backsides of adjacent teeth.
  • Implant-Supported Bridges: If multiple neighboring teeth are missing or heavily damaged, implant-supported bridges are implanted into the jawbone for optimal stability.

or call (713) 987-7721

Key Benefits

Have a question or want to learn more? Give us a call or send us an email, we’d love to get the conversation started.

What Exactly is a Fixed Partial Denture or Houston Dental Bridge?

A Houston dental bridge is a fixed restoration designed to fill gaps formed by one or more missing teeth. It consists of pontics that seamlessly blend with your existing teeth’s appearance and function as replacements while being securely anchored by supports on either side.

Why Do You Need a Dental Bridge in Houston?

Several reasons make dental bridges necessary:

  •  Restoring Aesthetics: By eliminating unsightly gaps caused by missing teeth, bridges improve your smile’s appearance significantly.
  •  Preserving Oral Health: Spaces between your remaining teeth can lead to misalignment issues and an increased risk of gum disease if left untreated.
  •  Enhancing Chewing Ability and Speech: Thanks to their solid structure, dental bridges restore chewing functionality and prevent speech impediments caused by tooth loss.

How Does A Houston Dentist Attach a Bridge?

The procedure for attaching a dental bridge typically involves two visits to your Houston dentist:

During the first visit, the adjacent teeth supporting the bridge are prepared by reshaping and contouring them. Impressions of your bite and surrounding teeth are made to provide an accurate model for fabricating custom-made bridges.

While the permanent bridge is being created in a dental laboratory, a temporary bridge will be placed to protect your teeth.

Upon completion, during the second visit, your Houston bridge dentist will remove the temporary bridge and ensure that your new bridge fits perfectly into place. Using durable dental cement or bonding material, each crown or implant abutment is securely attached to its respective tooth/implant.

What Materials Are Usually Used?

Houston Dental bridges can be made from various materials tailored to meet individual preferences and budgets:

    •  Porcelain: This material closely resembles natural teeth in color and translucency, offering exceptional aesthetics.
    •  Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM): These bridges combine metal support with porcelain coating for added strength and an appealing appearance.
    •  All-Metal Bridges: Made of gold or other alloys, these provide excellent durability but may not be suitable for visible areas.


Taking Care of Your Bridge: How To

Maintaining regular oral hygiene practices is crucial for prolonging the lifespan of your dental bridge:

    •  Brush twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste.
    •  Floss carefully around the artificial tooth area where plaque tends to accumulate.
    •  Visit your Houston dentist regularly for professional cleanings and check-ups.
    •  Avoid chewing hard foods or objects that may damage the restoration.


Restore your smile

If you’re missing one or more teeth, a Houston dental bridge offers an excellent solution for restoring both function and aesthetics. Whether you choose a traditional bridge or opt for implant support, consulting with a skilled dentist will help you regain confidence in your smile once again! To schedule an appointment, call us!