Patient Forms

Gentle Care

Houston Patient Forms

At Dr. Kamila Holistic Dental and Wellness Center, we accept new clients all the time.

To enhance your experience, ensure to fill out patient forms online. It saves you time at the clinic and for insurance reimbursements where necessary.

Gentle Care

Houston Patient Forms

At Usparkle Dental, we accept new clients all the time.

To enhance your experience, ensure to fill out patient forms online. It saves you time at the clinic and for insurance reimbursements where necessary.

Key Benefits

Have a question or want to learn more? Give us a call or send us an email, we’d love to get the conversation started.

Fill out these forms before your next appointment:

  • New Patient Info
  • Permission To Use Photograph
  • Impaired Mouth Syndrome
  • Medical History


To schedule your appointment with the dentist or for additional questions, contact us at (713) 800-4200.

Contact Information

Business Name: Dr Kamila Houston Dentist

Specialization: Houston Dentist | Houston Cosmetic and Holistic Dentist

Address: 8731 Katy Fwy Ste. 125 Houston, Tx 77024

Phone: (713) 800-4200

